
Even though we may refer to the Archangels as masculine or feminine because of the names, please be aware that they are neither sex and are instead asexual or androgynous, carrying both energies perfectly balanced.  

Remember there is no right or wrong way to summon these great angels since they are omnipresent and can be everywhere at the same time. So don't worry about imposing on them! :) 

We've listed 15 below of the many that exist. Sacred texts disagree on the numbers; however, those below are readily accessible.  

Ariel is connected with nature, animals, and nature spirits such as fairies and sprites, as well as the elementals (fire, earth, air, and water).  

She can help you manifest your earthly needs and guide you in the areas of animals and nature. Her name means "Lioness of God," and you might feel or hear the wind as a sign that she is present.  

Azrael helps souls cross over and helps those who are grieving and bereaved. His name means "Whom God helps."  

He surrounds the grieving and dying with his loving light to comfort them. When he's present, you may see eggshell-colored lights in the room.  

Chamuel helps with universal and personal peace. He can help you find what you are seeking, such as love relationships, friends, careers, lost items, and our life purpose. 

His name means "He who sees God," and he is usually on the list of the seven core archangels.  

He's considered a powerful leader in the angelic hierarchy known as the "Powers."  

Ask Chamuel to help heal anxiety and bring peace into your life.  

Gabriel, of course, is connected with messages. He helps those who are messengers (writers, speakers, teachers, artists), and he also helps with all aspects of parenting. 

His name means "Messenger of God," and he has long been known as a powerful and strong archangel.  

Haniel helps you with awakening and trusting your spiritual gifts of intuition. She also helps with releasing the old, and is especially involved in the support and healing of women's physical and emotional issues.

Her name means "Glory of God," and she helps us recover the lost secrets of natural healing, and is especially involved in the harnessing of the moon’s energy in potions, powders, and crystals.  

She adds beauty, harmony, and the company of wonderful friends to your life and helps you stay poised and centered before and during any important event.  
She has a nurturing mother energy and you may intuit that she is closely associated with the Goddess, the Holy Spirit mother, and the feminine aspects of the Creator. She is. :)  

Jeremiel helps with developing and understanding spiritual and prophetic visions. His name means "Mercy of God" and helps newly crossed-over souls conduct a life review and helps the living adjust their lives so you can make adjustments with respect to how you wish to live versus how you are living.  

Ask Jeremiel to heal emotions, help with clairvoyance and prophetic visions, and to help with interpreting dreams.  

Jophiel is the archangel of art and beauty and is involved with healing negativity and chaos in your life. She can help you in clearing out the clutter in your life (and home), while beautifying and uplifting your thoughts, feelings, and spirit.  

Her name means "Beauty of God" and she helps you to see and appreciate beauty around you, as well as create, manifest, and attract more beauty into your life.  

Metatron is associated with sacred geometry, esoteric healing, and he records everything happening on Earth for safekeeping in the Akashic records. He works with the universal energies and helps highly sensitive people.  

He is the youngest and the tallest of the archangels. He works closely with Mother Mary to help children, living and crossed over. In the Kabbalah, he is the chief angel of the Tree of Life where he guides humans at the start of their spiritual journey. 

Metatron is one of the few archangels who has walked the Earth as a human. He was Enoch, the prophet and scribe who "Walked with God" before becoming Metatron (which probably explains why he's good at telling us to "get to work!":>) 

Michael is associated with courage, confidence, protection, and safety. He and his angels are the ones who usually work with us during the clearings and healings, although others help as needed.  

Michael is another who walked the Earth as human and can understand the separateness we feel while here. And because of that empathy, he can also help guide you with regard to your life purpose.  

Saint Michael the Archangel, is the patron saint of warriors, and is the one who walked the Earth as Jesus. His name means "He who is like God" and he oversees the life purpose of lightworkers who are here on Earth at this time.  
Call on Michael whenever you are afraid or vulnerable and he comes immediately to your side, providing courage and protection.  

Raguel is the one who can help heal arguments and misunderstandings, bringing harmony to all situations. 

His name means "Friend of God" and his energy feels like a kind and wise old grandfather. He loves to help those who feel slighted or mistreated.  

Raphael's name means "God Heals" and he works with the healing of people and animals, and guiding healers.  

He is also the protector of and provides guidance to travelers. 

Raphael and Michael often work together during healings and clearings to escort those entities of lower energies home.  

Raziel helps us with understanding the secrets of the universe, and his name does in fact mean "Secret of God" because he works so closely with the Creator that he knows all of the secrets of the Universe and how it works.  

He is also known as the "Wizard Archangel" and can help us understand esoteric material, manifestation principles, sacred geometry, quantum physics, and other high level information.  

He helps with alchemy, clairvoyance, divine magic, and psychic abilities. And don't forget, he also helps us remember and heal from past / other lives, and helps with dream interpretation.  

Think of Merlin or Gandolf the Grey/White or Saint Germain, and that will give you an idea of the kind of wisdom Raziel holds and shares.  

Sandalphon helps specifically with the delivery of prayers, and provides guidance and support to musicians. His name means "brother" in Greek and it's a reference to his twin brother, Archangel Metatron.  

Sandalphon was the prophet Elijah who was rewarded for his good work on Earth by ascension to Heaven in a chariot pulled by two horses of fire, accompanied by a whirlwind.  

Uriel helps with intellectual understanding, ideas, insights, and epiphanies. He also helps with writing and speaking. 

His name means "God’s Light" and he illuminates situations and provides prophetic information and warnings.  

Uriel brought the knowledge of alchemy to humankind, and he is one of the wisest archangels. 

You can call on him for intellectual information, practical solutions, and creative insight.  

He helps with earthquakes, floods, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, natural disasters, and Earth changes. Ask him to heal and avert them or to heal and recover from them.  

Zadkiel helps with healing painful memories, and helps assist you in remembering your Divine origin and missions, as well as choosing forgiveness. 

His name means "Righteousness of God" and he is the archangel of mercy and benevolence. He can help us let go of judgements and unforgiveness.