Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

Enjoy this time with family and friends. And if you need to connect with lightworker friends, come on over to FaceBook Lightworkers of the World and connect with nearly 40,000 like-minded souls. :D 

Hugs & Blessings,

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Soaring with your Angels meditation MP3 coming soon

Here's the link to the MP3.

CD baby is working on releasing my half hour meditation MP3: Soaring with your Angels.  I'll post the link as soon as it's available. 

The meditation music is completely instrumental and has binaural beats embedded to ensure the Theta brainwave, deep meditation.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Come enjoy free gifts from Lightworkers!

Over 600 Lightworker, spiritual entrepreneurs from around the world are giving away freebies for the entire month of July! No strings attached. There are e-books, MP3s, meditation music, hypnosis MP3s, mini-sessions, and oh so much more! Our gifts to you! Please come and enjoy them !

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Angelic assistance during regression therapy --- change your life in 3 intense sessions & 6 weeks

As you may know, I see clients who want to explore past / other lives (regression therapy) and what dawned on me today is that during those sessions we not only explore those lives but we do it in a very unique, safe, healing way with our higher selves called in / plugged in, with the angels and the circle of light, and with whatever ascended masters and teachers we intuit to invite in well. Most traditional hypnotists / hypnotherapists do not work this way, but you will find many spiritual healers, energy medicine practitioners, preachers, energy therapists and transpersonal therapists work this way. The Archangels nearly always present in these sessions include Raphael, Haniel, Ariel, Michael, and Gabriel. Ascended Masters that usually sit in include Jesus / Jeshua, Kwan Yin, St. Francis, St. Germaine, and others depending on your own personal spiritual beliefs will pop in as well. 

Major Healing
These sessions often become a major healing for the person working with. Areas and issues that may have come up for them during other modalities and other therapies during their personal growth that may not have been fully understood or fully experienced become both fully understood and fully experienced during our work together, and this experience happens in a very safe manner so that if you don't want to completely "feel" that experience we're examining, if you don't have to. I use techniques so that you are safe and comfortable at all times and we would never force you to face something you're not ready to experience. 

3 Sessions over 6 weeks (or less) 
A series of three sessions seems to work well whether you're an old hand at meditation and focused concentration, or whether you're new to it all and have never experienced it before. The first session is usually pretty light but can touch on areas that need further investigation. That's what happens in the second session and that session is usually the one that will give you what you need at this particular time for wherever you are in your life at this time. The third session is always a surprise but will be what is needed at the time. This may involve a healing for you, your loved ones, it might be deepening that understanding received in the second session, it might be resolving some unresolved issues. I never know what it will be, but it will be just as powerful.

This type of work is very intense and each session lasts a full 2 hours (Not just "clinical hours," which are usually 45-50 min; this is a full 120 min.) and is best done in person. Lighter work is fine to do by phone and in Skype, but this type of intenseness is just better held with both in the same physical room surrounded by the Circle of Light with the energies held together. Not only does it seem to sit better, but I can also see and feel what's going on with you better and hold a hand or touch your shoulder if as we experience it together. You're not alone during this intense work.  

I have done some intense work on myself by phone (soul fragment retrieval with me on the client / receiving end) where the session was only 1 hour and afterwards I still felt... not quite done? Certainly not grounded and certainly still doing some major processing around the whole thing. In fact, I continued to process for an entire week and it's a good thing I had pre-arranged to take that following week off before hand.

Because these sessions are so intense and so healing and so long (2 hours each), scheduling them every other week instead of every week works for many because it gives them time to process in between sessions. So, over a 6 week period we can accomplish some major work for your own growth, for clearing any blocks you may have run into, for understanding what your own work has brought to the surface, for even understanding what your dreams and meditations have been trying to tell you. This is often the first place deep-seated issues will surface.  

Qualifications for this Work
Wondering who I am to be able to help guide you through this? You know parts of it if you've read the first book and other parts of it from the blog here and the over at Luna Wellness. Many would call me a "real" person, because I tend to be very grounded and came from "real" people --- farm girl, remember, from generations of farmers, coal miners, and nurses. ;>). 

The therapies I use to guide you are therapies I used in my own healing at various points in my life. I have been on both sides of the couch, like most healers and therapists. Many American Indian's have a saying:  You cannot truly know a thing until you have experienced it for yourself. That points out a big difference between "book learning" and first-hand experience. Some would call that the difference between theory and practice and often those differences are major.  

Since many folks find comfort is seeing the credentials, here's the list of I've accumulated since 2002. I've tried to group them by areas. I've been practicing energy medicine since 2002, hypnotherapy since 2003, and held ULC ordination since 2003.  

  • Past Life Healer (Doreen Virtue)
  • Advanced Counseling for hypnotherapists
  • Karuna Healing Master Teacher (Center for Wholistic Health)
  • Usui Reiki Master Teacher (Center for Wholistic Health)
  • Integrated Energy Therapy Advanced Practitioner (Center of Being)
    IET is a form of cellular release therapy closely connected to angels, especially Archangel Ariel.
  • Reconnective Energy (hands activated during a reconnection)
  • Spiritual Counselor & Soul Therapist (Universal Life Church*)
  • Doctor of Metaphysics (ULC)
  • Ordained Minister (ULC)
         * ULC is 
    non-denominational and believes we are all children from the same universe and looks to change the negative perceptions of religion, faith, and spirituality by encouraging all to take control and speak their truth, whatever that truth may be. All beliefs are honored here. Christian, Jew, Gentile, Agnostic, Gnostic, Atheist, Buddhist, Shinto, Pagan, Wiccan, Druid, etc., and even those who are anti-religious are welcome. It is not unusual for old souls to have many, many issues with religion to work out since many old souls have had past lives as nuns, monks, priests, and preachers and teachers of various sorts. Many were burned as "witches" or "sorcerers" down through the ages. Those old souls - YOU if you are still reading here - held the higher energies for Mother Earth, anchoring them in during those dark times and are truly today's Lightworkers. Welcome Back and I am honored to be working with you again! :) 
Additional training and certs in various hypnotherapy areas, including rapid inductions, diabetes, smoking cessation, transformation and transpersonal. In fact, by looking at this list you could say I've been practicing energy psychotherapy and transpersonal psychotherapy since before it was cool. ;> 

Where & When
If you're ever in the Denver area and want to schedule your series of 3 sessions for some very deep and intense work, shoot me an e-mail and I'll get you scheduled. 

Word from some of my super-sensitive friends is that starting this summer (2014), the Denver area will be inundated with folks looking for regression therapy to explore past lives.  :)

This area is home to many wonderful, old souls who are drawn to the energy here and all up and down the Rocky Mountain West region --- it holds the heart energy for the country, the freedom of the wide open spaces, and what is left of the Old West. 

Come to Denver and heal your heart, touch the angels, and reconnect with yourself and your intuition. You'll take it all home with you.