Sunday, June 17, 2012

Magdalene as Ascended Master

I've been reading a lot recently about Magdalene & the Essenes. Magdalene has always been a source of fascination for me and my instincts told me that what had been handed down thru the ages in the official, canonical bible was not the complete story. Not by a long shot. This book, The Power of the Magdalene finally brings the full story out into the open.

I ran across it after reading some other Delores Cannon books and up this one popped as "recommended" on Amazon. It was published by the same publisher and the authors wrote it based on information that came out during several past life regressions with souls who were present at that time in the Essene community. (I'm reading the one they wrote before the Magdalene book now that's about the Essenes.)

What comes through clearly in the book is that Jeshua (the name Jesus was actually called in that day) and Magdalene were equal partners and that the Essene community had been preparing for the birth of a "great teacher" for at least 100 years. Both Jeshua & Magdalene worked with the heart energies and helped anchor them into the planet and our reality so that this great leap in consciousness that we've just started could take place.

Magdalene was a great teacher in her own right, and surprisingly the Church has never tried to take away that small bit of information that she was indeed a teach of teachers, the "apostle of apostles." Magdalene was a priestess of the Isis mystery schools and was from Egypt.

Some other surprising (but then not really) information brought out in these regression sessions:

  1. The marriage in Canaan was the marriage of Jeshua & Magdalene. (Why else would they ask him about the wine supply?)
  2. There were 2 sets of 12 apostles:  one of males and the other of females
  3. There was more than one circle of apostles around each --- 3 concentric circles of apostles. The first circle is what came down to us from the "official" version. There were a total of 72 apostles.
  4. The first set of female apostles were mostly family of Jeshua, including Mother Mary & Magdalene. (The book does name them all.)
  5. Peter was jealous of Magdalene and the 12 female apostles. All of them had many lives together and worked very closely as a team covering for each other and such. Remember, the society they were in was not friendly to women scholars or women who did not know their place. Peter respected Mother Mary enough to never question her, but Magdalene was another story altogether.
  6. Jeshua set up things originally so that there would be an outer movement (what became Christianity) and an inner mystical movement that was to be protected by the outer. The inner movement was the Gnostics and the women were at the core of it.  As we know, the outer church tried to kill off the Gnostics (and pretty much did) instead of protecting and nurturing them as they were supposed to. Again this is due to Peter.
  7. Yes they were married and there was a daughter.
  8. There was a link between the Essenes & the Druids!
  9. Much of the Essenes' knowledge came from the Kaloo who were descendants (remnants) of Atlantis. Especially their work with energy & crystals.
  10. The timeline of Jeshua's ministry was compressed to fit into 3 yrs; it was actually 5 years.
There's more, but that's at least enough to give you a decent idea of the gems I found in this book. 

While working on my own "stuff" one of the core issues I had to clear was issues with Christianity & Jeshua. It took quite a lot of work and a lot of meditation w/ Jeshua before I was able to let go of my own anger. Reading this book also helped verify for me that the problems I was having w/ Jeshua were indeed problems with the Church and not the teacher himself. It also helped me understand why the only Jeshua image I've allowed in my home over the years is the image of the Laughing Jesus (below).

and here's Magdalene  

There's also a very nice description of the way it should have been given to us, and the way it will be seen once the knowledge & the energies are restored:  Both of them, hand-in-hand, showing us how to balance the energies and grow towards the light together.

You bet Magdalene is going to have a place in the 2nd book in the meditations with Ascended Masters. :)