Saturday, December 1, 2012

Peace on Earth . . .

We wish all of our friends around the world PEACE during the holiday season and throughout their years. :)

Friday, November 30, 2012


There's a new entry over at LunaWellness sharing an exquisite description of lightworker's from our Facebook friends at the New Mexico lightworkers.  Take a look! :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

highly sensitive kids & angels

An interesting thing happened in the last couple of weeks. For whatever weird reason, I found myself reading a book on spirit babies (very good and not a lot is written in this area), and I was consuming it like a mad woman until I finally got the part about Angels coming in as children. (Hmmm... that's new!) The guy who wrote the book "sees" these particular babies in a different way (different colors) in the normal area w/ mom and/or mom & dad.

So, about the same time this happens one of the gals at work starts talking about her niece who is this extremely shy and sensitive little girl that has just started school and is having a really hard time of it.

Initially, I start babbling about someone I know who works with children, but my intuition took over my mouth (thank goodness!) and out comes the name of my energy healing guru (the one who taught me a lot and the one I go to when I have issues that need cleared or worked out). Hmmm.... She doesn't usually work with kids, but she does have a very calming and reassuring "mommy" energy about her.  And this caught my friends attention, too. So, long story short, I passed on the contact info, she talked to her sister-in-law and off they went for a session. :)

Come to find out, this highly sensitive little girl had 3 angels hanging out w/ her already and a 4th was trying to come through! (Most folks have 1-2 guardian angels with them, 3 is unusual and 4 is even more unusual!)

So, they (my guru also had another person join her who had more experience with kids) gave her some tools to help, including a nice soothing rose quartz. And when they left mom knew her extra special daughter would let her know when she needed to visit for another session.

Know any extremely sensitive little ones having a hard time being around others? You might want to make a trip to your local energy healer and/or take a look intuitively and see how many angels are hanging around with them!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Angels over Colorado

Beautiful image of an angel I'd thought I'd share with everyone. We've had a lot of angels over the Denver area the last week or so because of the Aurora tragedy. Flags have been at half mast and will stay there until after the last funeral of the last victim, wherever that final location may be.

Things are still pretty intense around here, and will remain that way until after all the court proceedings are done and the disturbed party is behind bars. Many are expecting the prosecution to go for the death penalty. It's on the books in Colorado, but rarely used. This guy is an exception because most spree killers are killed themselves before the situation is resolved.

So please continue to send your healing thoughts & prayers to all who have have been involved and affected by it.

Namaste' my friends, and peace be with us all.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

former FBI officer sees angels :)

I just ran across this article in the WSJ and had to share. This former officer has written a book about seeing legions of angels guarding the Pennsylvania site where the Flight 93 hijacked airliner crashed on 9/11. 

Here's the link:

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Magdalene as Ascended Master

I've been reading a lot recently about Magdalene & the Essenes. Magdalene has always been a source of fascination for me and my instincts told me that what had been handed down thru the ages in the official, canonical bible was not the complete story. Not by a long shot. This book, The Power of the Magdalene finally brings the full story out into the open.

I ran across it after reading some other Delores Cannon books and up this one popped as "recommended" on Amazon. It was published by the same publisher and the authors wrote it based on information that came out during several past life regressions with souls who were present at that time in the Essene community. (I'm reading the one they wrote before the Magdalene book now that's about the Essenes.)

What comes through clearly in the book is that Jeshua (the name Jesus was actually called in that day) and Magdalene were equal partners and that the Essene community had been preparing for the birth of a "great teacher" for at least 100 years. Both Jeshua & Magdalene worked with the heart energies and helped anchor them into the planet and our reality so that this great leap in consciousness that we've just started could take place.

Magdalene was a great teacher in her own right, and surprisingly the Church has never tried to take away that small bit of information that she was indeed a teach of teachers, the "apostle of apostles." Magdalene was a priestess of the Isis mystery schools and was from Egypt.

Some other surprising (but then not really) information brought out in these regression sessions:

  1. The marriage in Canaan was the marriage of Jeshua & Magdalene. (Why else would they ask him about the wine supply?)
  2. There were 2 sets of 12 apostles:  one of males and the other of females
  3. There was more than one circle of apostles around each --- 3 concentric circles of apostles. The first circle is what came down to us from the "official" version. There were a total of 72 apostles.
  4. The first set of female apostles were mostly family of Jeshua, including Mother Mary & Magdalene. (The book does name them all.)
  5. Peter was jealous of Magdalene and the 12 female apostles. All of them had many lives together and worked very closely as a team covering for each other and such. Remember, the society they were in was not friendly to women scholars or women who did not know their place. Peter respected Mother Mary enough to never question her, but Magdalene was another story altogether.
  6. Jeshua set up things originally so that there would be an outer movement (what became Christianity) and an inner mystical movement that was to be protected by the outer. The inner movement was the Gnostics and the women were at the core of it.  As we know, the outer church tried to kill off the Gnostics (and pretty much did) instead of protecting and nurturing them as they were supposed to. Again this is due to Peter.
  7. Yes they were married and there was a daughter.
  8. There was a link between the Essenes & the Druids!
  9. Much of the Essenes' knowledge came from the Kaloo who were descendants (remnants) of Atlantis. Especially their work with energy & crystals.
  10. The timeline of Jeshua's ministry was compressed to fit into 3 yrs; it was actually 5 years.
There's more, but that's at least enough to give you a decent idea of the gems I found in this book. 

While working on my own "stuff" one of the core issues I had to clear was issues with Christianity & Jeshua. It took quite a lot of work and a lot of meditation w/ Jeshua before I was able to let go of my own anger. Reading this book also helped verify for me that the problems I was having w/ Jeshua were indeed problems with the Church and not the teacher himself. It also helped me understand why the only Jeshua image I've allowed in my home over the years is the image of the Laughing Jesus (below).

and here's Magdalene  

There's also a very nice description of the way it should have been given to us, and the way it will be seen once the knowledge & the energies are restored:  Both of them, hand-in-hand, showing us how to balance the energies and grow towards the light together.

You bet Magdalene is going to have a place in the 2nd book in the meditations with Ascended Masters. :)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Paperback version now available on Amazon :)

The paperback version is now available on Amazon. This one can go where the electronic version can't --- in the bathtub, outside in bad weather, or propped open while you follow various steps. Enjoy! :)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Paperback version now available! :)

The paperback version of Working with your Angels: Clearing and Blessing your Home is now available! Follow the link above to purchase now.

It will be available in Amazon within the next week (by June 2, 2012), and available for libraries and other bookstores 6 to 8 weeks after that. Now you can take the instructions outside with you while energetically sealing your propery line and setting up your crystalline protection grid. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Proof of the paperback version of the book is on its way!

Once I look over the proof in detail (assuming everything is fine) it will be available shortly. The price point will be a bit higher than the e-version (have to cover the paper & ink costs), but at least you'll be able to take it outside, in the bath tub, and any other place you wouldn't take your Kindle or laptop. And it'll be under $12 USD.  ($11.99) :) 

AND the outline for the next book in the series is blossoming. Have a favorite archangel or ascended master you'd like me to cover in Working with your Angels:  Meditating with the Archangels & Ascended Masters? Feel free to comment here or shoot me an e-mail.  

I'm also thinking of recording an MP3 (free to download for those who purchase the second book) for each as well. Would a guided meditation be helpful and useful?

Monday, April 9, 2012

Guides and Angels: Are they the same?

I was reading an interesting thing earlier today that said our guides and angels are the same:  some call them angels, some call them guides. 

Which term do you prefer? There are guides, some of whom have incarnated and there are Master Guides who have never incarnated. Both are angels.

And then of course, we have the Earth Angels who are here with us. You know the ones who lend an ear when you need it, who always have a kind word to say, the ones who never gossip or speak ill of others, the ones who have that "mother bear" energy about them.

How many Earth Angels can you pick out in your day? :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

thought for the day...

We are angels inside... and there are those who see us with wingspans of 27 feet!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Paperback version is underway....

Many of you have asked about a paperback version of the Working with your Angels book, and I'm working on it!  It will just be a little bit longer. I've been fussing with the format and trying to keep the costs in the highly affordable range (like the e-version is) so everyone who needs the info can have it at their fingertips. 

To keep the costs down, the images will be in b&w --- color images were going to drive the cost higher than I wanted. If anyone wants to see the color images, they're in the Kindle version. :)  If you're a prime member of Amazon, you can get it on loan for free in the Kindle library.

A few more weeks, assuming my day job doesn't take up my weekends like it has been... 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Clearing & Blessing your Home is available in Kindle format

The first book in the Working with your Angels series Clearing and Blessing your Home is available on Amazon in Kindle format and is very reasonably priced.

Best viewing is in the Kindle for PC mode, but if you don't mind black & white photos, it will work on the hand held devices just as well.

Click the link in this post or click the page link to Clearing and Blessing your Home to go to Amazon and purchase.

A paperback version will follow shortly. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Doreen Virtue on 2012

Apparently I'm not the only one that's hyper-clearing & shielding right now...  She talks about why.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Watchers: "From the Ashes of Angels" by Andrew Collins

The past few days I've buried myself in a book by Andrew Collins, From the Ashes of Angels, which isn't a new book but it's one I wasn't aware of until recently. 

Basically, Collins looks at the existing literature and mythology on Angels from Judeo-Christian, Essene, Zoroasterism, Magi, Iranian and various other cultures and follows the common threads back through time to try and determine whether there was really a race of "watchers" who fell from grace and came to Earth to mate with the "daughters of men." 

So far, in the few days I've had the book not only has it held my attention, but Collins has written it so that you're searching thru the dusty old stacks with him, going to Zoraster festivals rarely heard of (in fact I wasn't even aware that any Zoraster's still existed in this day and age!) and even more rarely observed.

I'm already over 116 pages into this 450-page tome (trade paperback size) and keep finding yet even more new information. For example, the Book of Enoch describes the birth of Noah (yes, that Noah) as freaking his parents out because the baby had hair the color of wool (white), skin as white as snow and as red of rosebuds (caucasion with a ruddy complexion) and eyes that lit up the room.  Rather a strange looking baby for olive-skinned, dark-haired desert-dwelling parents to have.  And LARGE. These babies had to be born by C-section because they were so large.

Of course, the biologist in me is wondering whether the parents carried the albino gene. The albino gene would be recessive in both parents (dark hair and eyes are dominant over lighter hair and eyes) so that for them to produce an albino (yes, true albino's have pink eyes because any eye pigment would cover the retina which causes the pink color) or even a partial albino without pink eyes, both parents would have had to carry the gene.

This type of surprise baby is given different receptions in different cultures. In Iran, the surprise baby is included in the mythology of the Iranian royal lines and we're introduced to where some of the stories about the Nephilim originated.

Ah yes, you were wondering about the angel connection weren't you? :)  In Judeao-Christian mythology, the fallen angels mate with human females and give birth to the Nephilim:  the very large babies with white hair, shining skin, and eyes that light up rooms. Babies that look like "angels" but that are really from demons.

These beings (nephilim) are the ones credited with introducing agriculture, metallurgy, architecture, jewelry, make up, writing, divination, and much more to human kind. 

Interesting, to say the least. I'll let you know what conclusions we reach in the book.  In the meantime, below are images image of a watcher based on the descriptions in ancient texts.


May 2012 Update: farther into the book, Collins extends the mythology of the nephlim as pictured above. Many are known as medicine men & women, magicians, and wizards who have a habit of being able to come and go without being seen and heard and who have sacred (and secret) knowledge that others don't possess. Perhaps Merlin (of the King Arthur mythology) was really a nephilim? ;>

Sunday, January 8, 2012

kabbalist view of angels

The Kabbalah teaches that the angels and angelic influences are as real and as elusive as the wind, gravity, or radiation. They are very, very REAL. :)

It also teaches us that an angel is a Particle of spiritual energy, and that like subatomic particles they can pop in and out of existence from nothing more than our words, thoughts, and our actions.

Now there's a very good reason to focus your attention on the good angels who help us every day! :)