Friday, November 25, 2011

72 names of God are the names of Angels

I ran across an interesting thing today (I've recently become interested in Kabbalah materials and information):  The 72 names of God the Zohar has distilled from the Torah are also the names of angels! 

As you know, angels are found in many of the world's religions including: Islam, Buddhism (devas or celestial beings), Hinduism, Zoroastrianism (both archangels and guardian angels), Christianity, and Judaism. Kabbalah is the literature concerned with Jewish mystical thought.  

It's interesting how things might not interest you when you first run across them, maybe because you're not yet ready for them. And then when you're ready and they cross your path again you just can't Believe you didn't follow up on them the first time around! LOL  That's kind of how I'm feeling about Kabbalah at the moment since I've been reading tarot 20+ years and knew about the connection between tarot and Kabbalah, but before now, I felt Kabbalah was too complicated and so it didn't interest me.

In the last month I was exposed to the Zohar, the Pinchas portion of the Zohar in particular and the ENERGY of that little pocket book just blew me away! Yes, it's in Aramaic, but you don't need to ready Aramaic to appreciate it. In fact the introductory pages you can read say as much. 

The Pinchas contains the portions of the Zohar that deal specifically with protection and healing. I was having some difficulties at the day job w/ a new boss (clashing on integrity issues almost immediately) and ended up w/ a friend for a healing who was able to tap in and see what the heck was going on because I can usually get along with most people easily. 

In the end, there was some nasty energetic things that had been thrown my way and it was going to take all of my knowledge and abilities to protect myself from them. In fact, this friend had to do a spiritual healing to help me shake loose some things that had been placed in my crown, 3rd eye, and 2nd & 3rd chakras as a form of "mind control." (Yes, this new boss has major control issues.) I won't go into the details, but in the end even my friend was having difficulty clearing this stuff and she pulled out her copy of the Zohar, a little Pinchas copy, and gave it to me to hold. 

While I held it, she explained what it was briefly and that I didn't need to know how to read it, but she recommended that I get one. In the few minutes I held hers, it completely cleared all of the things that had been shot at me (these things had caused an actual physical reaction strong enough when first tossed at me so that I was out of work for 3 days!). 

So, as soon as I got home I started looking for a copy of my own, which I found, as well as electronic versions on the Net. There are electronic versions in the original Aramaic, translations in English, and several other languages. I downloaded a e-version at home and work to help keep me clear until the hard copy I ordered was delivered. And it helped. The e-version has energy, so much so that a gal who sits near me at the day job (tai chi / yoga instructor and energy healer also) noticed and could Feel the energy from the electronic version from 9-12 feet away from my screen! ;>  I shared the link and she downloaded a copy as well. (Here's the link for you as well:

So, the hard copy arrived and just having it near seemed not to be enough. So I started placing it on my 3rd eye and heart. Just for short periods because the energy from the hard copy was so high that too long would give me a headache from opening up my crown so wide! LOL. After a few days, one copy wasn't enough. (The copies run about $10 USD each.) I was wanting copies in my night stands, in my purse, and in my car. 

Anyway, as you can tell I've now jumped in with both feet because the Light in this little book is just amazing! As are some Kabbalah rings and amulets. So let me back up a bit and explain for those of you who are not familiar with where the Zohar, which is the foundational book for Kabbalah, comes from. It contains commentary on the Torah (the 5 books of Moses) that discusses the nature of God, the origin and structure of the universe, the nature of souls, redemption, the relationship of the ego to darkness and the true self to Light and the relationship between the universal energy and man. 

The Zohar is written in a unique form of Aramaic, the language of Israel during the 2nd Temple period from 539 BC to 70 AD. And I can tell you, I've downloaded the English translation and it does not pack the same energetic wallop that the original Aramaic version does. Not even close. This isn't unusual as anyone who has done any training in energy healing can tell you, especially those trained in Usui Reiki (Japanese Kanjaii symbols are used) or Tibetian Reiki can tell you.

The 72 names of God are decoded and given in the Zohar and they're derived from Exodus 14:19-2, three verses each composed of 72 letters in Hebrew Each of these names of God is also the name of an Angel or intelligence. They also give the names of 72 demons.

Next time we'll start looking at those 72 names of Angels. Until then, walk in the light and with your Angels.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

speaking of angels . . .

While I'm finishing up the e-book, I've added a couple of resource pages here on angels in general and archangels. This is just a taste of the information in the e-book. The book goes into much more detail on the archangels and the colors and crystals and energies associated with them.  


Saturday, November 5, 2011

first book is in the final stages of publishing

The first e-book, Working with your Angels: Clearing and Blessing your Home, is in the final stages before publication. We'll provide the link to Amazon here as soon as it's available.