
Angels are recognized nearly in all cultures. Three of the worlds major religions contain references to these winged helpers:  Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In fact, it seems to be one of the few things these three all agree on. ;>
Other cultures contain stories of Divine beings who watch over us and who are messengers, for example, Devas, Nature Spirits, Animal Spirits, and so forth. Is it so far fetched to beleive that Angels can appear in whatever form it is easiest for us to accept given whatever our cultural background may be? Of course not. (And for those of you who have not see Babylon 5 completely through all 5 seasons, I highly recommend it. Pay particular attention to the Vorlons.) 

As messengers, when we talk to them, we are not "praying to them" but simply communicating with them as we would anyone else. Often when we're scared, frightened, and in the grip of harsh emotions, they can meet us on that lower vibrational level and we can hear and feel them, when the lower vibration may make it very difficult for us to hear and feel the Creator ourselves.

Think of this way:  if you've ever experienced an international call, the time delay between the two parties is quite annoying and odd and interferes with the conversation. The Angels are like an intermediary point between the two, and they can "hear" both sides equally well. Just remember to ask them to help!  I can't emphasize that enough.

I've had a connection to the angelic realm since childhood. My primary sensitivity is as an empath, so my clairsentient and claircognizant senses have always been engaged as the primaries; clairaudience and clairvoyance are both secondaries.

So instead of hearing or seeing them, I just always felt them and knew they were there with me as I roamed the hills of the farm where I grew up. When there's only one neightbor close enough to "see" it isn't hard to believe in angels!

Remember there are many, many, many kinds of angels! There's another page here devoted to arch angels. We might add one devoted to Fairies as well.
Fairies, for example, are angels of the nature realm. There are healing angels, and healing angels specifically for plants, and others specifically for animals. There are angels who help with communication and understanding.
There are angels you can call on to help keep you (and everyone else on the roads) safe when your traveling, whether that's by car, train, or plane. There are angels who can help you with traffic lights and  parking spaces! Seriously. :) 

And just like people, some of them are smarter than others, some are larger than others (Metatron is HUGE and the time he appeared to me floating over me in my bed he was quite insistant that  I "quit screwing around and get to work!" In a spiritual way of course. The angels that work with archangel Michael are also quite LARGE.), and some are very small like bright, hovering fireflies (yes, the director has seen those too) that are associated with angel gates.

There are angels associated with a certain configuration of Smokey Quartz. There are angels, who if you ask to do something (to you or for you) will do it hard and fast and immediately without adjusting it to your particular absorption rate.

That can cause headaches or pain, so that's why it's always a good idea to qualify those requests for help or assistance with a "in God's best and perfect way" or if it becomes too intense or uncomofrtable you can ask them to "turn down the intensity please" and they will.

There is an entire angelic realm of beings, not just a few. Hosts of angels as varied and talented and individual as you can imagine!

Guardian Angels

Each of us has at least two (2) guardian angels with us at all times. They are always there waiting for you to ask for help (that free will thing!). Don't be afraid to call of them.

In fact, a good meditation is to focus on your guardian angels and ask for their names, and ask them to provide signs to you over the next week reinforcing their names so that you'll know it wasn't just "something that crossed your mind."    :)