Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Paperback version now available on Amazon :)

The paperback version is now available on Amazon. This one can go where the electronic version can't --- in the bathtub, outside in bad weather, or propped open while you follow various steps. Enjoy! :)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Paperback version now available! :)

The paperback version of Working with your Angels: Clearing and Blessing your Home is now available! Follow the link above to purchase now.

It will be available in Amazon within the next week (by June 2, 2012), and available for libraries and other bookstores 6 to 8 weeks after that. Now you can take the instructions outside with you while energetically sealing your propery line and setting up your crystalline protection grid. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Proof of the paperback version of the book is on its way!

Once I look over the proof in detail (assuming everything is fine) it will be available shortly. The price point will be a bit higher than the e-version (have to cover the paper & ink costs), but at least you'll be able to take it outside, in the bath tub, and any other place you wouldn't take your Kindle or laptop. And it'll be under $12 USD.  ($11.99) :) 

AND the outline for the next book in the series is blossoming. Have a favorite archangel or ascended master you'd like me to cover in Working with your Angels:  Meditating with the Archangels & Ascended Masters? Feel free to comment here or shoot me an e-mail.  

I'm also thinking of recording an MP3 (free to download for those who purchase the second book) for each as well. Would a guided meditation be helpful and useful?